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Multimedia journalist, photographer and videographer focusing on Middle East, Migration, Human rights, Disability and Mental Health.


Works featured by The Guardian, Der Spiegel, El Paìs, Al Monitor, De Morgen, Trouw, Internazionale, RAI, News Deeply, RSI, Open Migration, Elle, Il Venerdì di Repubblica, among others.


Currently based in Rome and co-founder of FADA collective


Check my projects and get in touch

My latest stories


       ITALY - IRPIMEDIA (June 2024) Photos&Text


       ITALY - DOMANI (March 2022) Photos&Text


        SYRIA - SWR2 (February 2022) Radio&Photos


       ITALY - FQ/ReCommon (January 2022) Video


       ITALY - LA VIA LIBERA (March 2021) Text


       ITALY - OPEN MIGRATION (January 2021) Text&Photos


       ITALY - RSI (January 2021) Video


       BULGARIA - RSI (November 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (November 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (October 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (October 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (August 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (July 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (June 2020) Video


       ITALY - RSI (April 2020) Video


       ITALY - OPEN MIGRATION (April 2020) Text&Photos


       ITALY - TRT WORLD (April 2020) Text&Video


       ITALY - FREITAG (March 2020) Article


       LEBANON - RSI (January 2020) Video​


       GAZA - CHOISIR (January 2020) Photos


       LEBANON - RSI (October 2019) Video


       LEBANON - EL PAIS (September 2019) Text+Photo gallery


       LEBANON - RSI (October 2019) Video


       LEBANON - AL MONITOR (October 2019) Text


       LEBANON - OPEN MIGRATION (October 2019) Text+​Photos


       ITALY - OPEN MIGRATION (July 2019) Text


       GAZA - DE MORGEN (July 2019) Photos


       JORDAN  - RSI (August 2019) Video&Photos


       JORDAN - AL MONITOR (June 2019) Text


       GAZA - TROUW (June 2019) Photos


       MIT-OST - TANDEM SHMAL (July 2019) Text


       JORDAN - VITA MAGAZINE (June 2019) Text&Photos


       JORDAN - OPEN MIGRATION (June 2019) Text


       JORDAN - RSI (May 2019) Video


       LEBANON - AL MONITOR (May 2019) Text


       ITALY - FLUTER.DE (April 2019) Text&Photos

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